Virgin Gorda beaches and lobsters

This is the second leg of a truly fun week. There are adventures to get each morning when we land somewhere else, but also fun times on the boat itself.
The Club Med 2 has an open bar. Yes, that means a free flow of pretty good things…all day long. So being on a French boat, you have Ricard for an aperitif at lunchtime if you are on the boat at lunchtime…and pina colada by the pool before sunset, and wine during meals. We are in the North Hemisphere end of November, so sunsets are early at around 5.30 pm each day…with some pretty cool views from the swimming pool bar on the back deck. By 6 pm, it’s champagne time…all night long. Well, first it’s shower time and getting change for the evening obviously…this is still a French place! And as we all know that mixing different alcoholic drinks is not a great idea, I found a fun group of people ready to go on the champagne all night long, each evening, for a great and fun time! More in the next entries of this truly fun group of people.
A little warning, Club Med 2
Club Med 2Club Med 2
Club Med 2
is French, and it feels. Out of the 280 guests on the boat this week, I don’t think a single one doesn’t speak at least some French. It would be a pretty boring week if you can only speak English here…and as you may be aware…French people living in France suck when it comes to speaking something else than French. You’ve been honestly warned!
So this morning, it’s BVI time. No, I’m not coming for business here. And BVI doesn’t only stand for offshore companies…it does too stand for gorgeous beaches, yachts, and the British Virgin Islands. We have sailed all night long from Dominica…Dominica is Commonwealth and poor…BVI is British Territory and pretty wealthy.
I spent my day with Thierry….same age as me, and ready to have some fun this week. Because at the end of the day, we know you don’t find single ladies in their thirties on these cruises…we knew we would need to get organized to do something else than read our books! Didn’t do my homework about Virgin Gorda. I knew the diving was average, and that the cruise had a BBQ lunch of lobster organized for us on the
Lobster time…Lobster time…
Lobster time…
beach! So we took a “beacher” to simply go on the beach for the morning.
There was a shuttle to “a” beach rented for the morning by Club Med. We sat next to the rasta driver…yeah man…and he dropped us on the way. That was off-plan, completely out of the blue! It was time for us to go explore the National Park of “The Baths”. This is some kind of a National Park…it is a series of beaches separated by granite rocks. I first fell in Seychelles…before finding myself rather in some kind of adventure hike for teenagers ready to have some serious fun. Wow, that place is amazing!
We spent all morning going from beach to beach and climbing those huge rocks…even getting lost on deserted beaches as if wandering if we were only on the right trail. The water was beautiful and warm….the yachts were around, and it was just plain full fun…simple!
We returned to the Club Med beach, just in time for the last shuttle. Good idea, as we had no idea where the BBQ was, and the ride back to
Little pina colada by the pool…Little pina colada by the pool…
Little pina colada by the pool…
the landing point of the cruise was quite a walk away. Lobster BBQ! That simply cannot be bad just by the way it sounds. It was another of these…free flow of rose wine…of salad, and yes, of lobster too! The sun was there, at the end of the lunch…our faces ended the same color as the lobsters on the grill….but one more time…fun it was!
Back on the boat before the crowds for a good nap and some swimming pool time. Not that 280 guests makes you feel crowded on such a huge sailboat…but queueing is not our thing.
Another really fun night was awaiting us…and a short sail to the land of Uncle Sam…or pretty close to this actually, for another fun adventure…on which I will have to write pretty soon!